API Documentation






class DTMLMethod(ObjectManagerItem)

A DTML Method is a Zope object that contains and executes DTML code. It can act as a template to display other objects. It can also hold small pieces of content which are inserted into other DTML Documents or DTML Methods.

The DTML Method's id is available via the document_id variable and the title is available via the document_title variable.

Product Constructor

manage_addDTMLMethod(id, title):

Add a DTML Method to the current ObjectManager

__module__ = __builtin__



Returns the size of the unrendered source text of the DTML Method in bytes.


__call__(client=None, REQUEST={}, **kw):

Calling a DTMLMethod causes the Method to interpret the DTML code that it contains. The method returns the result of the interpretation, which can be any kind of object.

To accomplish its task, DTML Method often needs to resolve various names into objects. For example, when the code <dtml-var spam> is executed, the DTML engine tries to resolve the name spam.

In order to resolve names, the Method must be passed a namespace to look them up in. This can be done several ways:

The namespace given to a DTML Method is the composite of these three methods. You can pass any number of them or none at all. Names will be looked up first in the keyword argument, next in the client and finally in the mapping.

Unlike DTMLDocuments, DTMLMethods do not look up names in their own instance dictionary.

Passing in a namespace to a DTML Method is often referred to as providing the Method with a context.

DTML Methods can be called three ways:


A DTML Method can be called from another DTML Method or Document:

    <dtml-var standard_html_header>
      <dtml-var aDTMLMethod>
    <dtml-var standard_html_footer>

In this example, the Method aDTMLMethod is being called from another DTML object by name. The calling method passes the value this as the client argument and the current DTML namespace as the REQUEST argument. The above is identical to this following usage in a DTML Python expression:

    <dtml-var standard_html_header>
      <dtml-var "aDTMLMethod(_.None, _)">
    <dtml-var standard_html_footer>

From Python

Products, External Methods, and Scripts can call a DTML Method in the same way as calling a DTML Method from a Python expression in DTML; as shown in the previous example.

By the Publisher

When the URL of a DTML Method is fetched from Zope, the DTML Method is called by the publisher. The REQUEST object is passed as the second argument to the Method.



Returns the unrendered source text of the DTML Method.

View management screens

manage_edit(data, title):

Change the DTML Method, replacing its contents with data and changing its title.

The data argument may be a file object or a string.

Change DTML Methods


manage_addDTMLMethod(id, title):

Add a DTML Method to the current ObjectManager